Beyond the Case:
Transforming Case Conferencing through Intentional Gathering

Case conferencing and supervision are dynamic, intentional, and supportive spaces where professionals engage in reflective practice and ethical reasoning. Case conferencing and supervision leaders are trained in Demand-Control Schema and best practices to analyze real-world experiences for individual and collective growth.
Leading is about more than context expertise. This book discussion uses Priya Parker's The Art of Gathering to explore how intentional gathering strategies can enhance the effectiveness of case conferencing and supervision and lead to richer discussions, stronger professional connections, and deeper ethical reflection. Leaders will be challenged to look beyond the case as the catalyst for meaningful gatherings.
This book discussion is for IIRAS-trained leaders in case conferencing and supervision.
By the end of this book discussion, we will be able to...
Identify key concepts of intentional gathering from The Art of Gathering.
Compare typical approaches with intentional gathering approaches within one’s leading of case conferencing/supervision.
Utilize reflective techniques to explore ways one’s gathering shapes case conferencing/supervision.
Design intentional gathering strategies into one’s leading of case conferencing/supervision (optional My Art of Gathering project).
CEUs & Time Commitment
Amy Kroll, an Approved RID CMP Sponsor, has approved this book discussion as a continuing education activity. This general studies program is offered for 1.2 CEUs at the teaching Content Knowledge Level. Additional CEUs may be awarded for completing the optional My Art of Gathering project.​

Dates & Location
A welcome email will be sent on April 1, 2025.
This book discussion includes independent reading and reflection, large group Zoom meetings, and small group Marco Polo chat.
This book discussion lasts eight (8) weeks and will conclude on May 25, 2025.
Discussion Fee: $60
A PayPal invoice for the fee will be emailed once your spot in the discussion has been confirmed.
A $30 refund will be offered through the original payment source for cancellations made at least 24 hours before the first day of the book discussion (April 1, 2025). No refunds are offered afterward.​
Obtain a copy of the book for the duration of the discussion. Check online retailers or libraries for the book.
Submit your registration form by March 31, 2025.
Requests for reasonable accommodations can be made on the registration form. ​